Monday, August 4, 2008

Food acne and best prescription acne medicine

Never scratch your face- Some people have this weird tendency to touch and scratch their face a lot specially in the acne affected area. Often your hands are dirty and touching your skin with dirty hands can worsen your already bad acne condition. Therefore try to keep your hands off your face as much as possible.
By Frank Senturi
There are natural home remedies that do work toward getting rid of old acne scars. Using lemon juice and rose water. This is used at a mixture of half and half, or 50/50 solution. Apply this mixture with a clean cotton swab directly to the old scar tissue left by the acne. It is important that for this to work properly that you leave this on for no less than thirty minutes, then wash off with clean, warm water.
tags: reducing acne redness baking soda, removing acne scars at home, acne scar removal product reviews

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