Monday, August 4, 2008

Best treatment for pcos acne and acne treatment pro active

So I looked into the food-acne link, and found out that the worst food for causing acne was vegetable oil. So I started to avoid vegetable oil for a few days and my cystic acne cleared up significantly.
It was once thought that all acne was caused by a genetic defect that made your body secrete too much sebum oil, a natural oil that keeps your skin from drying out. Unfortunately, sebum oil is also a perfect breeding ground for the P-acne bacteria, the primary cause of your outbreaks. When sebum is present in abnormally large amounts, the bacteria breeds to abnormal levels, and, well, you get the idea.
To date, there is no single cure for acne. You can treat the condition, but not cure the disease. Acne is caused by hormone changes within adolescents becoming adults. The body begins to release more oily sweat through the sweat glands. This overabundance of oily sweat also contains bacteria the body is eliminating from it. This begins to clog the pores in certain areas of the body and that produces acne.
tags: md formulations helped my acne, free tips to clear acne fast, will natural progesterone cream help my acne

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